Write to us

    In connection with Regulation 2016/679 EU on GDPR, by sending the contact form on our website or by e-mail, you consent to the processing of your data for our subsequent communication in connection with the order of services. Your data is used only for the above purposes.

    Contact Us

    Karlín, Prague 8
    Mo – Fr 9:00 – 17:00

    + 420 774 134 068
    + 420 602 134 068 [cz,en,de]


    © 2023 queue s.r.o. | Peckova 280/9 – Karlín | 186 00 Prague 8 | likelike.cz is a trademark of queue s.r.o. ID: 28459075 | VAT ID: CZ28459075 | Registration in section C, insert 143039 at the Municipal Court in Prague.